Friday, August 17, 2018

Song and story behind part 2

It's nice to know that you were there
Thanks for acting like you cared
And making me feel like I was the only one
It's nice to know we had it all
Thanks for watching as I fall
And letting me know we were done
He was everything, everything that I wanted
We were meant to be, supposed to be, but we lost it
And all of the memories, so close to me just fade away
All this time you were pretending
So much for my happy ending
Avril lavigne - Happy ending

I hope that one day my love story gonna end happily.


Actual story

My adik pillow talk tying her knot!!!
Sorry ainaa the only bachelorate party you got from me was lepak in kinokunia.
And I dont even belanja u book because i am broke.

Barakallahulakum dik.
I remembered we shared there is a guy bla bla bla. With each other.
Somehow, only you ending your story with a marriage.

Akak praying for all the goodness and happiness in the world will be yours ainaa salim. Allah humma ameen.

May your marriage ship sailing with lots of patience, lots of faith and bravery. Ameen

May Allah bestows upon you sakinah rahmah and mawardah marriage. Ameen

Just remember to be grateful that your family and Allah swt blessed you to be with person you love. Cherish this.

There are people their family and Allah swt keep them away from their love ones. Remember this.

Mr. A, dont make ainaa cry or being too independence. I am watching you.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Terima Kasih

So, 'something happened'.

Thanks to you.
I just realized what I just realized of soooo many things.

What my mother's expectation for me, her concern and aguish.

All this while I only know her expectation for my study.

The differences between my mother acceptence of other people would say and how I dont give a damn what people even think about me. =)

Furthermore, you kind of open my eyes of what financial status I should have to have even a moderate wedding. Before this I have never think about it because marriage is on my almost bottom on my wishlist. -_-

Moreover, what has happened kind of teach me how to control my financial. As, I realized to marry you I need to have some amount of money so, I put aside my not important desire and to limit my lunch and dinner expenditure. Prior to this, I dont know I am capable of working, study and sleeping with stomach growling for food because I already over my budget limit for that day. I'm totally junkfood free too >_<

Besides, this situation has taught me to be a little bit discipline. If I want to cut down my food expenditure I need to pack my lunch and cook at home. To do so, I need to wake up a little bit early. And dinner i have to discipline make food at home instead of buying.

This situation also make me pay attention more to less fortunate people. It has taught me that my problem is smaller compare to others who suffer from physical impairment, loan problems, family problems and more.

I just know about myself. How I react to sadness and how long I need to bounce back to my previous self before you entered for a very short while.

Alhamdulillah for this valuable life lesson ya Rabb. And thanks to you.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Day 3 trying to redha.

Wallahi it so painful and the tears wont stop.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Ciri2 Suami Aku Nak (versi idealistic)

Boleh jadi Imam
Amalkan pergi masjid
Solat cukup 5 waktu
Sedap suara time azan
Pandai tilawah
Pandai main alat muzik
Boleh nyanyi
Sedap mata memandang
Senyuman menawan
BMI seimbang
Takde penyakit yang boleh diwariskan kpd bakal anak2
Ade kerja tetap
Orang KL or Selangor
Ade kereta
Bercadang nak ada rumah sendiri
Tahu masak
Sedia menerima kekurangan diri
Pandai layan baby dan budak kecik
Tahu nak fit in dengan masyarakat
Rajin dan boleh diajak menziarah sanak saudara
Pandai buat lawak
Suke berbincang
Syg & bleh berkorban utk parents saya & die

Ciri2 Suami Aku Nak (versi realistic)

Solat cukup 5 waktu
At least pergi masjid time solat Jumaat, Raya, Terawikh, or maghrib time on weekend
Berpotensi untuk ajar bakal anak2 mengaji
Boleh sara hidup berkeluarga
Ade kereta
Tahu nak didik isteri dengan hikmah
Takde penyakit yang boleh tersebar melalui hubungan suami isteri
At least sudi ketawa bila dengar lawak aku
Suka berbincang
Rajin dan boleh diajak menziarah sanak saudara
Syg & bleh berkorban utk parents saya & die

Yeah.... That was before 'something happen'.

Currently the most prominent characteristic he must posses is patience/sabar.

I'm looking for someone who gonna patiently wait.
Wait while i slowly juggle my life-affair, family-affair, career-affair, finance-affair.
More importantly he'll wait untill my mom give the greenlight.

Before 'something happen' i really dont really know my mom. Thanks to this 'something happen' I know what it takes to get mom's greenlight.

Patient to wait while I raise my own fund for my wedding that my mom's has everything imagined.

So, if the guy can't be patient, we can't be together.

*New additional point
Must be someone that will respect my family. I know my family will commit wrong but he's must be someone who sill can respect them.

Yeah. People can say u gonna be andartu what so ever but my mom dont give a damn about it. So,

Till I find someone like that. Anyeong!

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always annoy the others. i'm enjoy doing various things but obsess only to one kind of things. hold tight my Principe.